filmvisning STÅLKRIGARINNOR den 31 oktober 2021, kl 16.00, Identitet Stockholm mammaproduction Celicne ratnice 2021-10-06 17770Välomna till filmvisning STÅLKRIGARINNOR, kvinnor volontärer i Första världskriget och krigen på Balkan (2018). Samtal med filmskapare, autor Jelena Mila...
Tisina od bola i neprebola, autor Jelena Mila mammaproduction news 2016-05-25 5Poetry by Jelena Mila. Dediacted to my father. Publisher PARTENON, BEOGRAD – maj 2016....
Knjiga Celicne ratnice – Book Iron Worrioress mammaproduction Celicne ratnice 2015-05-04 13213Book Iron Worrioress – Women volonteers in First World War and Balkan Wars, you can buy at The Historical Museum in Belgrad, Trg...
Literary evening Iron Worrioress at the Church of the Resurrection in Belgrade mammaproduction Celicne ratnice 2014-12-29 6316December 24th, From my first literary evening in the Church of the Resurrection in Belgrade. Special feelings. Prikaz knjige Celicne...